Sunday, March 9, 2014

New short story in Upcoming Anthology

I just got the news that my short story FAMILY PLOT will be including in the upcoming anthology, NASHVILE GOTHIC. It is an anthology of Gothic horror stories that take place in the Middle TN area. I happened to have a story that fit that theme perfectly, and am very much looking forward to seeing this one in print! It's edited by Andrew Lee, and due out later this year - more details as they're announced!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Terror on the Plains Published at

My short story Terror on the Plains was published online back in January at

The man behind Beyond-Stories is Harold Sipe, who contacted me about doing an interview about my horror host program. Once he found out I'm also a writer, he asked if he could run a story on his site. I was honored, and sent him Terror on the Plains, a western flash-fiction piece.

Check out for interviews, short fiction, and more!